HomeHow toHow To Fix Android Manifest App Is Not Indexable by Google Search

How To Fix Android Manifest App Is Not Indexable by Google Search

Before checking the methods to fix this error, let’s understand: What is the Android manifest app that is not indexable by Google search? And what are the reasons for indexing errors?

Basically, this is a file of XML that contains essential metadata related to your Android app. This metadata or information includes the version of Android supported, operation system data, hardware features, permissions, names of activities and tools (android build: this is used to ascertain the location of coding terms while developing your project), and other details of your Android app, operating system, and so on.

Together with these things, the manifest file is also necessary to reveal the subsequent details:

1. The app’s fundamentals contain services, activities, content providers, and broadcast receivers. Each element necessarily describes the primary properties, like the name of Java class or Kotlin. It is also required to reveal its potential, for instance, which device arrangement it can manage and intent filters that provide details for how to start the component.

2. The permissions that an app requires to connect with other apps or with the secured section of the system. It also provides details related to the permissions that are required by other apps if they need to retrieve content from this app.

3. The features of hardware and software required by the app that affect the decision of devices related to the app (which app) can be installed from Google Play.

4. In order to develop your app, if you’re using Android Studio for this purpose, a manifest file is prepared for you, and most of the important manifest components are combined as you develop your app (specifically while you use code templates).

Now coming up to the reasons why this error occurs or why the manifest app is not indexed by Google Search,?

The URL is a unique identifier for an indexable; basically, it means you cannot separate various indexables using the same URL; instead, you can call for an update. As it varies gradually, you can update the same indexable multiple times.

The app cannot manage the ACTION_UPDATE_INDEX intent so that the on-device index can be revised by Google Play services under certain conditions:

1. When to install the app on a device.

2. If the current version of the app is revised to a version that keeps up with the intent,.

3. Repeated calls gradually (over a certain period of time) to properly restore the index.

4. If the on-device index is misplaced, it doesn’t matter the reason (for instance., the index is corrupted).

Hence, do not update, insert, or remove the same indexable multiple times.

How do I fix the Android manifest app is not indexable by google search? (Warning)

Way 1: It is simple to fix this error; keep in mind that using the following steps, you will only be able to hide the warning using these codes; these codes won’t make your app supported by Google indexing.

In the android manifest’s intent-filter, inside the activity of launcher XML, just enter this line of XML code:

<action android:name=”android.intent.action.VIEW” />







              <action android:name=”android.intent.action.MAIN” />

              <category android:name=”android.intent.category.LAUNCHER” />

              <action android:name=”android.intent.action.VIEW” />



Way 2: In the following method, you will learn how to fix this error. This method is also straightforward; you just need to add a few lines in your XML to fix this error.

To fix the error, carefully add the following lines:.

Step 1: Add the below-mentioned code to your activity. Open your file, AndroidManifiest.xml, by following steps Project -> App -> src -> Main -> AndroidManifest.xml


          <action android:name=”android.intent.action.MAIN” />

          <action android:name=”android.intent.action.VIEW” />


After adding the above-mentioned code, your AndroidManifest.xml will look like this:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>

<manifest xmlns:android=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android”















                <action android:name=”android.intent.action.MAIN” />

                <category android:name=”android.intent.category.LAUNCHER” />



                <action android:name=”android.intent.action.VIEW” />

                <category android:name=”android.intent.category.DEFAULT”/>

                <category android:name=”android.intent.category.BROWSABLE” />





That’s it; you are done from this side. Now again, build your application. The earlier message of error will not appear this time.

In other forms, follow these steps.

1: Add an empty activity after opening your project

android manifest app is not indexable
android manifest app is not indexable

2: Open the main folder of “APP” and the subfolder of “Manifest.”

android manifest app
android manifest app

3: After that, open ANDROIDMANIFEST.XML

android manifest
android manifest

Which will appear like this?

android manifest app is not indexing
android manifest app is not indexing

4. Now edit your main activity tag.

Error android manifest app
Error in the Android manifest app

5. Now add the action tag given below to your INTENT FILTER TAG.

Fix android manifest app
Fix android manifest app

Action: <action android:name=”android.intent.action.VIEW” / >

6. Now add this to all other activities

Although you need to add only one activity to make the warning disappear, to remain on the safe side, add this to all activities present in the file Manifest.xml. For this situation, there is one other activity called SPLASH SCREEN; therefore, add this code as shown in the image.

<action android:name=”android.intent.action.VIEW” / >

Fix android manifest app
Fix android manifest app

After adding the code in Manifest.xml, you will notice the color will change automatically, which signifies that the warning is removed and the app is indexed by Google Search.

I hope you are successful in removing the warning and correcting this error by following the above-mentioned coding and adding it properly, and your app is indexed this time without any errors. Also, make sure to add the code very carefully to avoid any further errors while indexing your app.

I hope you have fixed it. Your Android manifest app is not indexable due to a Google search issue. You can read about the Cash app black screen here.

Harrison Mason
Harrison Masonhttps://nowtoapps.com
I am Harrison Mason from England. I am an app developer. My app developers team and I created the website to give information about the best android, iOS, Windows, and macOS apps. I hope you will enjoy our articles. We update our website daily, so stay tuned for the best upcoming apps review.


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